EASY 370/320/290/270

EASY 370/320/290/270

easy but special

EASY 370 Tubes: ice white / Seat: white & grey
EASY 230 Tubes: military grey
EASY 290 Tubes: off white / Seat: white & grey
EASY 270 ocean blue fabric impression / Stripes & handles: white

Performances of the “Gamma ET” tenders are ensured by long keels with flaps.  Nice, customizable in the colours of tubes, upholstery, handles and perimetric stripe.  New options are now available like stemhead and lateral footrests with teak.

Our intention was not to create a simply “OPEN” tender, we cannot renounce to add some detail to make navigation more comfortable: bow seat hides the fuel tank on upper models, and EASY 370 has also stern battery lodgement. 

EASY 270 Tubes: carbon military grey
EASY 370/320/290: serbatoio a prua sotto il sedile e pavimento in teak di serie
Ganci di sollevamento
I nuovi flaps
EASY 270

EASY 370


370 x 170 cm

Ø 42 cm

89 kg

25 (18,75 Kw)

L – long


EASY 320


320 x 168 cm

Ø 42 cm

79 kg

20 (15,00 Kw)

S – short


EASY 290


290 x 155 cm

Ø 42 cm

69 kg

15 (11,25 Kw)

S – short


EASY 270


270 x 150 cm

Ø 40 cm

49 kg

10 (7,5 Kw)

S – short